We welcome feedback to ensure the services you receive are good.
If you would like to provide feedback or make a complaint, you can visit the Feedbacks and Complaints section on our website.
We welcome feedback to ensure the services you receive are good.
Your services will not be affected if you make a complaint.
You will not be made to feel bad because you gave negative feedback.
Your personal information will not be shared with anyone without your consent.
Consent means saying yes to sharing information with others.
We review our feedback and complaints to make improvements.
We manage complaints fairly and want to reach good results for you.
You will not be made to feel bad because you gave negative feedback.
Send us a message through the Feedbacks and Complaints section on our website
You can also make a complaint about us to the NDIS Commission by:
If you need help to make a complaint, we will support you.
You can also ask a family member, friend or advocate to help you make a complaint.
If you would like, you can make a complaint without giving us your information. This means that the complaint is anonymous.
If you make an anonymous complaint we will NOT know that it was you that made the complaint.
We take all complaints seriously. Even if your complaint is anonymous, we will work to resolve the issues that led to the complaint.
You can make an anonymous complaint by visiting the Feedbacks and Complaints section on our website.
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Support Agency
Support Agency is a registered NDIS provider offering Specialist and Standard Support Coordination, Positive Behaviour Support and Psychology Services.
Provider number: 405006545
ABN: 65621213778