Every person that is receiving help from us has rights.
Your rights help make sure that you receive the best services for you.
This document outlines the basic rights that you have at all times.
This document should be read together with other easy read documents.
Other easy read documents you will be given will give you more information about your rights.
Other easy read documents that are available include:
You have the right to access services that:
You have the right to make choices about every aspect of the services you receive.
You have the right to maximise your independence.
You have the right to have your culture, values and beliefs respected.
You have the right to intimacy and to express yourself sexually.
You have the right to feel comfortable when receiving services.
You have the right to have your information kept private.
You have the right to get services that are free from:
You have the right to access an advocate.
You have the right to give us feedback at any time.
If you are not happy with our services, you have the right to make a complaint (for further information and contact details please see the Feedback and complaints easy read)
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Support Agency
Support Agency is a registered NDIS provider offering Specialist and Standard Support Coordination, Positive Behaviour Support and Psychology Services.
Provider number: 405006545
ABN: 65621213778