Support Coordination

Support Coordination

Upon receiving your NDIS plan, you may receive a fund for support coordination. This will give you the option to select which service provider you want to work with, which is where we come in. The type of support you get from your NDIS plan depends on your personal circumstances and needs.


Included in your plan are three levels of Support Coordination, but this may vary with your goals and needs.

  1. Support Connection: Helps you establish connections with informal, community and funded supports, that will help you start using your plan.
  2. Support Coordination: Helps you get the assistance you need to understand your NDIS support fund and to use it effectively.
  3. Specialist Support Coordination: Provides support for when you find yourself if a more complex situation. A Specialist Support Coordinator will help oversee and maximise the use of your plan while navigating a challenging or difficult environment or situation.


Accessing your NDIS plan can be a difficult task – that’s why we’re here to help.

What does a Support Coordinator do for you?

As your Support Coordinator, we’ll help get the right support, exactly where you need it. We also help you connect to a network of supports to plan for future needs, as well as any unexpected circumstances that may arise.


Support Coordination can help you:

  • Know the best way to use your NDIS plan
  • Maximise the use of your current funds
  • Help you connect with the community
  • Strive to help you live more independently
  • Build connections with your loved ones, friends or health care providers
  • Give you the ability to choose when to access your available supports and services
  • Decide how much you want to pay for these supports and services


As your Support Coordinator, we’ll assist you with booking your service and understanding service agreements. Our aim is to help you develop skills and confidence, help strengthen your relationships and improve your wellbeing, so you can gain more independence and manage your supports in the future.


Frequently Asked Questions

The NDIS will assess whether you are eligible for support coordination to be included in your plan.

Each participant is assessed by the NDIS. If you are unable to navigate through your NDIS plan by yourself, have limited ability or don’t have any family or friends that can assist you to establish a connection with service providers, the NDIS may determine that you qualify for funding of support coordination.

It is not easy to navigate and understand how the NDIS system works. You may have friends or family around, but they may not have the knowledge or expertise to assist you in maximising the use of your funding,  or connecting you with a support network. If this is the case, you may be eligible for support coordination.

At Support Agency, we will:

  • guide you to develop skills and confidence towards understanding, implementing, and using your NDIS Plan and make the most of it.
  • examine and identify the kinds of supports you can access under your NDIS plan.
  • connect you with NDIS and other service providers and assist you in booking your service as well as understanding your service agreement.
  • ensure you develop a connection with local communities to increase your support network and offer constant advice and guidance throughout your NDIS journey.